I heard you’re the sibling to a child with special needs, and I wanted to write you a letter explaining why you have a one-up on life. I know your life might seem hard or different from your friends, but trust me, you most definitely will be more prepared for this life than anyone else. Let me explain…
Author: T (page 4)
Dual Sensory Loss
I have Norrie disease which is a very rare X-linked genetic condition which causes mainly boys to be born blind or severely sight impaired. The majority of sufferers also experience progressive hearing loss.
What Braille Means to Anthony
Although I was diagnosed with dyslexia and am hence less good in Braille than I would like to be, I never for a minute underestimated the importance of Louis Braille’s work.
What Braille Means to Me
The question first came up on the deck of the Tenacious, a tall ship for the disabled. And this was such an odd question it took me by surprise ‘but David, why do you bother with braille when you have audio instead?
Cameron’s Smile – Young Carers Awareness Day 2018
My sister has been helping to provide care for me since the day I was born.
Ethan’s First Family Day
The very first family day involved many activities and much entertainment, from snakes and snails to inspiring speeches.